The downstairs floor joists are in.
Getting the footing ready for the upper retaining wall.
The lower floor area.
All the lower windows are framed and the first signs of the tower.
Footing for the retaining wall is poured.
View of the bay trees from the dining room window, which is 10' across.
8'x12' living room sliding glass door view.
Kitchen window view of our neighbor! (I want to ask him if we can paint a mural on his house.)
Windows in the north corner of the living room are nestled in the redwoods.
Frames for the living room windows (east side).
Two days later.
The walls of the stairway to Maria's left. Behind that is the pass-through to the kitchen, and the downstairs bathroom framed in the tower.
The 4' hole in which the sewage pump will be buried in sand. This is in the northeast corner of the crawl space.
The crawl space is now enclosed.
The contractor - Laddie Richardson - tagged us!
The wooden forms for the upper retaining walls are going up in the foreground.
Drainage (runoff) pipe is in. The trench will be filled with gravel.
They rigged this chute to get the gravelstones down to the drainage channels.
The lower section of the tower is framed (the downstairs bathroom) and the stairway walls beyond that. The nook to the right of the bathroom is for the stacked washer/dryer, and to the right of that, a small closet.
As of 10/5/05.